[Press Release draft 3 dated 21 July 2016]
8Telecom transforms itself in the telecommunications space with 51% stake in Arete M
– Infocomm services company Arete M is among the first in the world to utilise the 1.79GHz – 1.80GHz frequency spectrum to provide world-class dedicated LTE network services for critical communication in public transportation, public safety, security, surveillance and specific vertical industries
Singapore, 26 July 2016 – SGX Mainboard-listed 8Telecom International Holdings Co. Ltd. (“8Telecom” or “the Group”), following the completion of its capital reorganisation, today announces its new business plans through its subsidiary Arete M Pte. Ltd., (“Arete M”).
Arete M is a home-grown infocomm services company that provides dedicated Long Term Evolution (“LTE”) and Mission Critical Communications solutions. The company is one of the first in the world to undertake research and testing in utilising the 1.79GHz – 1.80GHz frequency spectrum to build a dedicated enterprise grade private LTE network to offer mission critical communication services to a range of industries such as public transportation, public safety, security and surveillance.
Breakthrough innovation: World’s first commercial dedicated LTE network utilising the 1.79GHz – 1.80GHz frequency spectrum
The 1.79GHz – 1.80GHz frequency spectrum has traditionally been used as a guard band for telco network. With the successful innovation and completion of testing, Arete M had recently received a letter of allocation of the requested frequency spectrum from iDA, subject to certain user’s demand and non-interference conditions. Helmed by industry veteran and technology expert, Dr PS Tang, a Steering Committee Member of the Global TD-LTE Initiative (“GTI”) , Arete M is primed to showcase the world’s first commercial dedicated LTE network using this frequency spectrum in line with IoT trends and the government’s Smart Nation initiatives.
Immense potential in mission critical communications; Secured EOI from overseas markets
Dr PS Tang, CEO of Arete M, said, “The potential for using this technology is immense. The critical communications market in public safety alone is targeted to grow by US$18 billion, according to a report by IHS Technology. This excludes other vertical industries such as the oil and gas sector, mining, seaports and airports. Added to this, is the market for automated guided vehicle market which is expected to reach 2.81 billion by 2022 . We aim to expand our market to serve multiple user groups requiring their own core network within common and adjacent coverage zones.”
Already, Arete M is working on the next phase of technology development which is the set-up of a Co-Innovation Platform with Nanyang Technological University, using the 1.79GHz-1.80GHz frequency spectrum to enable innovators globally to showcase and integrate their product innovations into this dedicated LTE network. The company will gradually roll out the platform in Singapore and other countries.
“Once Singapore, with its high regulatory standards, has been successfully used as a reference for the roll-out of our technology, we will replicate this business model which is very scalable and portable, in other countries where there is the same guard band availability for utilisation. Leveraging on our first-mover advantage, we have already secured expression of interests (“EOI”) from several overseas TD-LTE Operators and some major technology vendors.”
Propelling 8Telecom’s business transformation and expansion in the telecommunications space
With 8Telecom’s 51% stake in the issued and paid up capital of Arete M, the Group will be able to tap on new opportunities to expand in the telecommunications space.
Said Mr Joseph Tang, Executive Director of 8Telecom, “Arete M’s expertise will complement our own strengths and track the evolution growth in the telecommunications market. In turn, Arete M will be able to call on our resources, as a listed company, to tap into capital markets and benefit from strategic guidance, enabling it to deepen its research and development and product innovation initiatives.”
About Arete M
Arete M is an infocomm services company and a major player in the dedicated Long Term Evolution (“LTE”) and Mission Critical Communication industry. An experienced system integrator and network operator, the company develops in-house application software platforms and builds infrastructure and ecosystems. It is also a reseller and Value Added partner of Huawei Enterprise Business Division eLTE Product Line. It is one of the first in the world to utilise the 1.79GHz-1.80GHz frequency spectrum as a dedicated mission critical mobile data network.
For more information, please visit our website www.aretem.sg